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Auckland - Oceanic Radar (OCR)


Sector Name Shortcode Callsign Frequency Login ID
Oceanic Radar OCR Auckland Control 123.900 NZAA_CTR


OCR covers all airspace within the lateral bounds as found below. The lower limit for OCR is:

  • Within 100 nm AA VOR: A095
  • Between 100 and 200 nm AA VOR: A135

When RAN, BAY or AA TMA are offline, OCR automatically inherits and assumes all responsibility for those sectors.

Auckland's Airspace

Auckland's Lateral Bounds

Sector Responsibilities

OCR is responsible for initial sequencing, issuing STAR clearances, and issuing an initial descent for aircraft bound for NZAA and NZWP.

OCR is also responsible for the initial sequencing of aircraft on the T46 airway between NUTRA and ELKIG.

OCR shall also manage the arrivals and departures into and out of any controlled or uncontrolled IFR aerodromes in its sector. This shall include issuing STARs and providing a top-down service where appropriate.



OCR may issue STAR clearances to aircraft bound for any aerodrome within AA TMA without coordination, provided it is for the nominated runway and approach type as stated in the ATIS. A request for use of a non-nominated approach requires agreement from both the TMA and ADC Controller.

OCR may descend aircraft to A110 without coordination from AA TMA.

If a sequencing conflict is to occur, OCR shall coordinate with AA TMA as to an ideal arrival order.

OCR may clear aircraft direct to the STAR's AA TMA boundary fix without coordination, provided that they have been cleared to rejoin the STAR at that point. Aircraft may be cleared to track direct to a fix within AA TMA's boundary with coordination, subject to the same condition.

RTF for rejoining a STAR

OCR: New Zealand 677, track direct TAZEY to rejoin the STAR. When ready descend FL150.

Note: As TAZEY sits within AA TMA's airspace, coordination would be required.

Auckland Night STARs

For Noise Abatement Procedures, see the Auckland Aerodrome page.


Oceanic-bound aircraft are required to cross the FIR boundary at their RFL and via a defined waypoint.

OCR may clear Oceanic bound aircraft direct to their boundary crossing fix without coordination from ARO. If aircraft request an amendment to their RFL, this shall be coordinated with ARO.

OCR shall give ARO a 10 minute warning of the aircraft's crossing of the FIR boundary.


OCR may issue STAR clearances to aircraft bound for HN without coordination with HN TMA for the nominated runway and approach type as stated in the ATIS. A request for use of a non-nominated approach shall be made to RAN, who will advise the aircraft on first contact. OCR may not issue any track-shortening for aircraft into HN.

OCR may descend HN bound traffic to FL150 without coordination from RAN.


OCR may clear any traffic bound for either MOTKO, ELKIG or LAKAR direct to that fix without coordination from NAK, provided that the aircraft is on course, and at CFL.